The Knitting Sherpa: The Inexorable Draw to Yarn

Monday, January 16, 2006

The Inexorable Draw to Yarn

So what *is* it with the immediate zombie-like march we make towards the yarn aisle when we start knitting, anyhow? ;)

I made that march to Michael's today to pick out yarn for Brendan's sweater. I imagined they had more than they did, but what they did have really ran the gamut. I was impressed. And I fondled the that wrong? I gazed and touched, I planned and plotted...and looked in vain for a 100% wool yarn. Rats! None to be found...only a wool-acrylic blend. Which, if I was making a sweater with, would be great. But my *next* *next* project is felted items, and you can't felt with a wool-blend. Ah, well....

I ended up picking out a wonderful acrylic for Brendan; he heartily approved after he discovered there was no "red yarn, Mama" that fit his bill. And I know some knitters are snobbish about yarns and specifically towards acrylics, but criminy! I'm not gonna spend all this time knitting my kid a sweater out of something that isn't *machine washable*. I may be a knitter, but I'm not insane! Kids need non-washable items like I need another hole in my head...or maybe I should say "moms need non-washable items like I need another hole in my head." Because the reality of it is that I do the washing, not Brendan. Although he loves putting his laundry in the washing machine and watching it for a good 10 minutes after the cycle starts. But that's another post on another blog! ;)

I'll get pictures of my current works up tomorrow, along with mistakes I've made and maybe how to avoid them in the future, too. Right now, there's a project that's calling my name, since I'm at the end of a skein and it wants to be finished! :)


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